1.Wouldn't It Be Nice
3.The Secret
4.Living For Today
5.Come Out Fighting
7.Open Door
9.Who's To Blame
11.Side One
12.No Reason Why
13.Bro Hymn
- I have
a vision of many things to come a way to erase mistakes
that have previously been done and a time where man meets
man without a glare but with a smile stop brooding on old
things taste new ones for awhile until we try how will we
know? How will we know until we try? So let's say we give
it a go to find the world that we're looking for say find
the children grow to be what they wanna be point them in
the right direction to build their own reality lies and
deception they can't tell what is real walk with your
feelings then "shout" how you feel dig my
utopia flavor euphoria all hands raised
"hallelujah" sing a little Gloria caise what is
good what is righ who the fuck decides? The places I see
are through an individuals eyes
- I've got
to realize that life is but a game and it dosen't matter
how you score but how you play and although the masses
play the host make all the rules the only rules you
should live by ...Rules made up by you the only rules you
should live by in this bent facade of people being who
they're not who view the world through the windshield of
the beamer they just bought and swear by hypocrisy yea
thinking they'll go far hey mister can you tell me...Tell
me who you are two for one can you survive one by one you
stay alive do you think you really stand a chance pray to
god for intervention don't you wanna know who deals the
- Listen
children I've got a secret one that they don't want me to
tell I hope you register this little message It's the
only way you can stay outta hell don't ask your parents
they ain't gonna tell you cause they've already taken the
fall thank your lucky stars for the enlightenment cause
now it ain't no secret at all we're gonna die off in tiem
we're only gonna die off in time until we stop succumbing
to mankind don't get me wrong I don't want to soil your
future it used to be so squeaky clean it ain't my fettish
to extend this pessimism or blow rain clouds over your
scene I got the notion I got the feel- ing that this
thing dosen't have to end this better up your suspicion
if not there's only one result my friend hey mom and dad
please don't hate me just because in me you see your lost
youth did I evolve into an adult organism? Do I blow
myself away? Tell me the truth good intentions yeah I got
'em plan for the future or pray fir the end this had
better raise up your suspicion if not there's only one
result my friend
- You
look around what do you see? I'll tell you what I see is
a world belong- ing to me take time to find what you may
dream it' all right there within your grasp just beyond
what you can see we're the ones, the only ones, strong
ones, proud ones we're living for today those for the
past and tomorrow they'll have hell to pay and if your
life is going by too fast it's time for you to slow down
it's time for you to make it last before you trip and
slip and you will miss this happy little stepping stone
just before eternal bliss your life goes by before you
know you gotta take time to slow down better take time to
veer off the road enjoy the sights while you are here
there's nothing to fear but fear itself who knows when
the end is near don't make plans with your hands tied
you'll never know you're missign out repeatedly on the
things that help you grow you've got to own your soul
you've got to take control find a one day plan young man
get this straight live for today
- Voices
you're letting voices tell you what to do when you
yourself don't know voices you got one too so let it out
and let us know what you're feeling all alone well I know
there are times when you're feeling close to the ground
and there's times when you may feel there's no place to
call home and there's times when the only end in sight is
the end you got to...Come out fighting problems I've got
'em too but keeping them inside is not the thing to do
problems you've got to face hang-up's head-on before you
know they're hanging you all alone so all alone been
there before so please believe me cause I know sorry to
say to your dismay your life is not the only one that you
affect don't you realize that a apart of all of us will
die inside when you yourself are dead
- Look
at all these people lying around look at all these people
being scraped right off the ground because of too many
broken homes too many cardboard box- es too many people
who just can't survive hare losses well Americans don't
belong in tins let's learn to help ourselves before we
help the foreign wound- ed decay shout out dismay can you
hear ther voices yelling out mayday why are we sending
money overseas look out your window our nation's the one
that needs because there's not enough income there's too
much poverty why must we lose more lives before our eyes
will see we'll leave it alone hope it goes away it's hard
to ignore life when you live it everyday I'd like to see
I'd like to say I'd like to hear that help is on the way
here today where tomorrow? Death in the shadows affect us
all too many bodies lie in the street too many hungry
mouths that have the right to feed
- Never had
the luck to see that face before at most I've only had a
fleeting chance but now it looks as though you're just
not fleeting anymore now it has turned into quite some
romance and I'm distant no longer more since you have
come to pass right through right through that open door
people come and people go in the end they're all the same
the quest for someone special is all so clear trying to
find identity trying to find a name I seem to find myself
since you've here I've fought oppression I've paid the
price but here with you It's twice as nice so I'll change
my ways I'll start today I've got to change My life my
heart goes out to all of you the many who have tried to
try and grasp what of that they may dream I'll tell you
right now all of you in your venture to find it'll happen
so fast you won't have time to breath
- Clear
your mind hide your fear don't look around don't turn
around pennywise is here evil lurks in his eyes the clown
they call pennywise he's a monster he's not human he's
more than just a figmenet of your imagination you can't
run can't hide there's no way to escape pennywise he'll
creep inside your soul at night and torment nice and slow
don't turn around or look around pennywise will know
he'll make you wish that you were dead and make it hard
to cope he'll make you wish that you were dead and
hanging by a rope
- One day
you'll have to ask yourself am I doing what I want for
someone else from that dat forward you'll find that
livinng you're better off when you answer to yourself and
when it's time to take a stance tune them out inside your
brain Everyone will tell you lies they'll cheat then
laugh at your demise tell me who's to blame Someday when
you look back and you take time in the past was I doing
all I really could that one step forward a better life
wasn't all that hard now that you're living like you
should I am firm believer so- vereign minded high
achiever solid in my sense of worth and goals
philosophies are meant to trick you missionaries out to
get you hell is full of cons and suckered soul
- So many
trials and tribulations but the wiser man am I such
fixations are fix- ed on me I tell you I am sick I'm sick
and tired of all the fables tired of all the lies I'm
tired of seeing bullshit walk up hill miles and miles if
I've done half the shit that's been said about me too
much and then some I could have spent the span of 20
lives compared to just my one so get off my back all you
slanderers just leave me alone put your mose back on your
face where it belongs you fucking drone your life is pure
fascination your mouth speaks such abominations I condemn
your allegations you are a Frankenstein creation it must
be weird to live one's life in a self make believe pit
but then I look at mine and then I see what a pointless
one yours is so crawl back in your hole yea back in to
your world of make believe when I see your smiling face
you best be prepared to leave in a land of pure untruths
I gladly crown your ass the queen the things you do are
always done so exquisitely
- When
you're alone you're on your own this world is no place
for the weak we've got to find ourselves in unity cause
strength in numbers is what we seek to- getherness
friendship is best no one can stop us when we all work as
one when problems come we've already won cause we know
whose side we're on come to- gether and fight together
unite together as one come together and fight to- gether
fight forever 'till we have one camaraderie amity it's
good to know whose side you're on conviviality
homogeneity together we can't go wrong
- I
look at myself the person in the mirror is asking me
asking me why I lie to myself what's the meaning of this
charade of the reason why cause no one else knows me
quite better than I know myself but that dosen't stop me
from asking myself the reason why no reason why we lie to
ourselves or anyone else I look inside my life cause I
can see the things that no one else can see about the
real me cause it's only the outside you really see so
don't ask me why I keep inside the things that I choose
to hide still it dosen't stop me from asking myself it
gets me farther behind cheaters never prosper I've heard
that line but it keeps me set in my ways look me up after
you've found out
- To all
my friends present past and beyond especially those who
weren't with us too long life is the most precious thing
you can lose while you were here fun was never ending
laugh a minute only the beginning canton, colvin,
nichols, this one's for you ever get the feeling you
can't go on just remember whose side it is that you're on
you've got friends with you 'till the end if you're ever
in a tough situation we'll be there with no hesitation
brotherhood's our rule that cannot bend when you're
feeling too close to the bottom you know who it is you
can count on someone will pick you up again we can
conquer any- thing together all of us are bonded forever
if you die I die that's the way it is
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